Treatment of threshold retinopathy of prematurity.

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This report deals with our experience in the management of threshold retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). A total of 45 eyes of 23 infants were subjected to treatment of threshold ROP. 26.1% of these infants had a birth weight of > 1,500 gm. The preferred modality of treatment was laser indirect photocoagulation, which was facilitated by scleral depression. Cryopexy was done in cases with nondilating pupils or medial haze and was always under general anaesthesia. Retreatment with either modality was needed in 42.2% eyes; in this the skip areas were covered. Total regression of diseases was achieved in 91.1% eyes with no sequelae. All the 4 eyes that progressed to stage 5 despite treatment had zone 1 disease. Major treatment-induced complications did not occur in this series. This study underscores the importance of routine screening of infants upto 2,000 gm birth weight for ROP and the excellent response that is achieved with laser photocoagulation in inducing regression of threshold ROP. Laser is the preferred method of treatment in view of the absence of treatment-related morbidity to the premature infants.
Deshpande DA, Chaturvedi M, Gopal L, Ramachandran S, Shanmugasundaram R. Treatment of threshold retinopathy of prematurity. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. 1998 Mar; 46(1): 15-9