Cubitus varus--correction by distraction osteogenesis.

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Cubitus varus deformity in thirty children was corrected by gradual medial opening wedge osteotomy. The osteotomy was stabilized and distracted by simple external fixator-cum-distractor. The patients of both sexes and age from 6 to 14 years, had varus deformity from 17 degrees to 43 degrees. We achieved good to excellent results in 28 cases as regards to correction of deformity and range of motion at elbow joint. None of the cases had neurological deficit or permanent stiffness. One case had fair result due to under-correction and another case had a poor result as osteotomy united before correction. The main complication faced was superficial pin-site infection particularly in summer season and a in fatty children but was managed by good pinsite dressing and care. The technique has been found to be quite effective, technically simple, cosmetically acceptable and with little, if any, lazy S deformity.
Sangwan SS, Marya KM, Siwach RC, Singh Z, Devgan A. Cubitus varus--correction by distraction osteogenesis. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2002 Apr; 56(4): 165-71