Seminal LDH-C4 isoenzyme and sperm mitochondrial activity: a study in male partners of infertile couples.

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Lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme patterns were obtained in the seman of 93 male partners of infertile couples and 28 proven fertile subjects as a control group. Sperm mitochondrial activity index (SMAI) alongwith the conventional seminal parameters was studied for all the subjects excepting the azoospermic and vasectomised males. Only LDH-C4, a germ cell specific isoenzyme activity varied with the variation in sperm density. LDH-C4 activity varied significantly (p<0.001) within and between different groups. Lactate dehydrogenase-C4 activity was absent in 17 azoospermic samples, confirming its germinal epithelial origin, as well as in 8 samples of vasectomised males. In one azoospermic sample, there were many immature germ cells along with surprisingly high LDH-C4 activity suggesting more activity of germinal epithelium associated with high LDH-C4 activity. LDH-C4 activity was reduced significantly in oligozoospermic samples in proportion to sperm density, thus confirming strong correlation (p<0.001) between LDH-C4 and sperm density. There was statistically significant correlation between LDH-C4 and percentage sperm motility as well as between LDH-C4 and Sperm Mitochondrial Activity Index (SMAI) (probability varying from p<0.05 to p<0.01 in different groups), but no such correlation was found between LDH-C4 and sperm morphology. The data confirms LDH-C4 as a germinal epithelial marker. Its relationship with percentage sperm motility is suggestive of definite role of LDH-C4 in evaluation of the spermatozoal quality, similarly its relationship with Sperm Mitochondrial Activity Index (SMAI score) suggest the role of LDH-C4 in metabolism of the spermatocytes and sperms, though further studies are required for clear and detailed understanding of its metabolic role in semen.
Sawane MV, Kaore SB, Gaikwad RD, Patil PM, Patankar SS, Deshkar AM. Seminal LDH-C4 isoenzyme and sperm mitochondrial activity: a study in male partners of infertile couples. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2002 Nov; 56(11): 560-6