Effect of vitamin A supplementation on childhood morbidity and mortality.

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In a double blind design, 1520 children aged < 10 years were individually randomised in vitamin A and placebo group in slums of Chandigarh. Children > 12, 6-12 and < 6 months of age received 200,000, 100,000, 500,000 I.U. of vitamin A respectively every 4 to 6 months during 15 months trial period. The prevalence of vitamin A deficiency was significantly reduced in vitamin A compared to placebo group during the follow-up period. In vitamin A group, incidence of diarrhoea and measles was significantly reduced but incidence of acute respiratory infections was not significantly different compared to control group. Risk of death was also significantly less in vitamin A group. Therefore, promotion of vitamin A rich diet or supplementation with synthetic vitamin A at 4-6 month interval should be a priority in populations where risk of vitamin A deficiency is high.
Chowdhury S, Kumar R, Ganguly NK, Kumar L, Walia BN. Effect of vitamin A supplementation on childhood morbidity and mortality. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2002 Jun; 56(6): 259-64