Working conditions and health among employees at information technology--enabled services: a review of current evidence.

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Workers in information technology (IT)-enabled services like business process outsourcing and call centers working with visual display units are reported to have various health and psycho-social disorders. Evidence from previously published studies in peer- reviewed journals and internet sources were examined to explore health disorders and psycho-social problems among personnel employed in IT-based services, for a systematic review on the topic. In addition, authors executed a questionnaire- based pilot study. The available literature and the pilot study, both suggest health disorders and psychosocial problems among workers of business process outsourcing. The details are discussed in the review.
42 references.
Kesavachandran C, Rastogi SK, Das M, Khan AM. Working conditions and health among employees at information technology--enabled services: a review of current evidence. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2006 Jul; 60(7): 300-7