Hormonal regulation of macromolecular synthesis in testes and accessory reproductive glands of Spodoptera litura during post-embryonic and adult development.

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In S. litura testicular growth during the last larval instar and early pupal stage is associated with significant increase in DNA, RNA and protein contents. DNA synthesis is stimulated by 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-HE) in the penultimate instar testes. 20-HE injection in ligated late last instars increases the testicular weight and protein content. Accessory reproductive gland (ARG) development takes place during the mid and late pupal stages. Protein synthesis in the pharate adult ARG is stimulated by 20-HE. Juvenile hormone has no effect on ARG protein synthesis.
Sridevi R, Bajaj P, Dutta-Gupta A. Hormonal regulation of macromolecular synthesis in testes and accessory reproductive glands of Spodoptera litura during post-embryonic and adult development. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 1989 Aug; 27(8): 699-703