Factors influencing adherence of Candida spp. to host tissues and plastic surfaces.

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Attachment of Candida spp. to host tissues and plastic surfaces is the first and a crucial step that initiates colonization by yeast cells and subsequent development of disseminated fungal infection. These infections are associated with high degree of morbidity, mortality and extra cost. Modern trends have focused not only on how best to treat but also on how to prevent Candida infections. To achieve this goal, the factors that influence the adherence of Candida spp. to biological and non biological surfaces have been studied. C. albicans adheres at a degree higher than that of the other Candida spp. and C. tropicalis adheres to a lesser extent. This may reflect the higher pathogenicity of C. albicans compared to the other Candida spp. Germinated C. albicans cells adhere to host tissue more readily than do yeast-phase. Sugars play an important role in the adherence of Candida spp. Overall, galactose was found to promote the adherence of Candida spp. to host tissues and plastic surfaces more than any other mono or disaccharide. Amino sugars on the other hand inhibit the adherence of the yeast cells. Divalent ions such as Ca2+ and Mg2+ promote the adherence of Candida spp. more than monovalent ions. Candida spp. express on their surface receptors, which interact with a wide variety of host proteins including fibrinogen, fibronectin, lamanin, and type I and IV collagen thus binding Candida spp. To glycoproteinaceous conditioning film at the blood-polymer interface. Coaggregation of Candida spp. with other bacteria promotes colonization of yeast cells to oral biofilm, host tissues, and to surfaces of the indwelling vascular catheters. These factors form the basis for the interference with the adherence of Candida spp.
108 references.
el-Azizi M, Khardori N. Factors influencing adherence of Candida spp. to host tissues and plastic surfaces. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 1999 Oct; 37(10): 941-51