Effects of gonadotropins and prolactin on ovarian activity of a wild avian species, the tree pie Dendrocitta vagabunda.

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Ovine FSH (40: g per bird daily for 10 days) increased ovarian weight, follicular size, phosphatase activities, and RNA and protein levels in tree pie (Dendrocitta vagabunda), but exogenous ovine LH (40 micrograms per bird daily for 10 days) with the same dose and duration caused depletion of ovarian cholesterol and ascorbic acid concentrations with a rise in sialic acid and glycogen levels of the ovary. In contrast, prolactin (LTH: 5 I.U. per bird daily for 10 days) administration showed reverse biochemical changes to those of FSH. The findings suggest that FSH induces mainly ovarian follicular growth and LH stimulates ovarian steroidogenesis, but LTH is antigonadal in this wild avian species.
Chaudhuri S, Maiti BR. Effects of gonadotropins and prolactin on ovarian activity of a wild avian species, the tree pie Dendrocitta vagabunda. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 1998 Aug; 36(8): 790-5