Image reconstruction of optical attenuation coefficient variation in biological tissues.

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A procedure for non-invasive imaging of the optical attenuation coefficient variation of in vivo thick organs/tissues is developed. The laser back-scattered surface profiles at various locations of human forearm, by multi-probe reflectometer, are measured. These profiles are matched by iterative procedure, with that as obtained by Monte Carlo simulation and the corresponding values of attenuation coefficient (equal to the sum of absorption and reduced scattering coefficients) are determined. By interpolation of this data a 100 x 100 grid is constructed and after median filtering of this data a color-coded image of the variability of the optical attenuation coefficient of the forearm is obtained. These images in different subjects show variation due to change in overall tissue composition and blood pooling. This non-invasive imaging procedure may help in identifying the diseased affected regions in healthy tissues and in application of photodynamic therapy.
Chacko S, Kumar D, Singh M. Image reconstruction of optical attenuation coefficient variation in biological tissues. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 2003 Jan; 41(1): 26-32