Role of ion channel modifiers in reversal of morphine-induced gastrointestinal inertia by prokinetic agents in mice.

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Prokinetic drugs like mosapride, domperidone etc, are used to treat gastrointestinal delay. Though the receptor-mediated actions of these agents have been studied, involvement of ion channels in reversing morphine-induced gastrointestinal inertia by prokinetic agents has not been explored. Charcoal meal test was used to measure small intestinal transit (SIT) in adult male Swiss albino mice. Animals were given ion channel modifiers and prokinetic drugs intragastrically. Reversal of morphine-induced gastrointestinal delay by mosapride was decreased significantly by CaCl2, minoxidil and glibenclamide. Similarly, domperidone's effect on morphine was decreased by CaCl2, nifedipine, minoxidil and glibenclamide significantly. The results reveal that ion channel modifiers counteract the prokinetic effects of mosapride or domperidone.
Sandhiya S, Dkhar SA, Krishna PR, Ramaswamy S. Role of ion channel modifiers in reversal of morphine-induced gastrointestinal inertia by prokinetic agents in mice. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 2008 Jan; 46(1): 60-5