Plasma orosomucoid metabolism and susceptibility to malarial infection in rodents.

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The effects of Plasmodium berghei infection on liver function and plasma orosomucoid metabolism were investigated in Wistar rats. Infected rats with 20-25% parasitaemia manifested increased serum transaminase levels, hypoalbuminaemia and hypoproteinaemia. In spite of such indications of deranged liver function, the hepatic synthesis rate (as measured by 14C-amino acid incorporation) of seromucoids predominantly orosomucoid or alpha 1-acid glycoprotein) was increased by 73%. The circulating levels of this glycoprotein were also doubled in infected animals. The albumin synthesis rate was not increased. This preferential synthesis and increase in circulating levels of orosomucoid may have in vivo significance in malarial infection, in view of reports that orosomuocid has influence on in vitro invasion of red cells by malarial parasites.
Nadkarni GD, Deshpande UR, Kamath VR, Renapurkar DM. Plasma orosomucoid metabolism and susceptibility to malarial infection in rodents. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 1990 Nov; 28(11): 1078-81