Is gene therapy for aging possible?

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Throughout human history, search for means to prevent or slow down aging has followed three main lines--(1) removing waste products and cleansing impurities; (2) using products of plants and animals as medicine; and (3) compensating for decrease in various hormones, vitamins and other chemicals in the body. Even in modern times, immense popularity of various spas and water therapies is an example of the first type of anti-aging approach for which there are no real scientific basis. Some preliminary support from laboratory and/or clinical tests is available for various herbal and other medicinal plant products, such as ginseng, ginkgo biloba and garlic, as nutritional supplements. Replacement therapy, especially hormonal replacement therapy as an anti-aging treatment has been used and misused for quite some time.
34 references.
Rattan SI. Is gene therapy for aging possible? Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 1998 Mar; 36(3): 233-6