Development of simple and stable ELISA for detection of copro antigen in intestinal amoebiasis.

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A simple, sensitive and stable ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) was developed using rabbit antibody to fractionated Entamoeba histolytica antigen for the detection of copro antigen in the faeces of individuals with intestinal amoebiasis. In this test none of the healthy individuals, all trophozoite positive, 40% cyst passers and 6% individuals living in endemic area showed the presence of copro antigen. ELISA using polyclonal rabbit antibody could detect 1-5 trophozoites/well and 20-50 ng protein per well of NIH-200 strain of E. histolytica and the sensitivity of the test was comparable with that using monoclonal antibody. Cross reaction was observed only with E. invadens when faeces having other parasites were screened. The reagents of ELISA were stabilized and found to be stable for more than 6 months when stored at 4 degrees C.
Jain U, Patel MT, Desai PK, Kaliraj P. Development of simple and stable ELISA for detection of copro antigen in intestinal amoebiasis. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 1990 Jul; 28(7): 671-5