Local regulatory factors in regulation of ovarian function: role of prorenin-renin-angiotensin-system.

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During reproductive life in the female, there is a continuous flow of growth, maturation and demise of ovarian follicles, unless pregnancy occurs. Although ovarian function is primarily controlled by the hypothalamus-pituitary-axis, there is no doubt that a hormonal microenvironment specific for each individual follicle is established, that finally determines whether a follicle ovulates and becomes a corpus luteum or undergoes atresia. In this respect, autocrine and paracrine factors that act alone or modulate gonadotropins action are of paramount importance. In this article, we want to introduce the ovarian prorenin-renin-angiotensin-system (PRAS) and summarize what is actually known about its involvement in ovarian physiology and pathology.
186 references.
Brunswig-Spickenheier B, Mukhopadhyay AK. Local regulatory factors in regulation of ovarian function: role of prorenin-renin-angiotensin-system. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 2003 Jul; 41(7): 669-81