Surgical management of cardiac myxomas.

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Cardiac myxomas are rare cardiac lesions, though they are the commonest tumours of the heart. Seventeen cases of cardiac myxomas have been operated during the last one decade. Exertional dyspnoea, palpitation and chest pain were the main presenting symptoms. Echocardiographic assessment was the only definitive diagnostic investigation required prior to surgery. Early surgical excision was planned in all the cases. Irrespective of the exposure techniques, removal of the tumour with wide excision of its base was practised. There was one early death due to low cardiac output in a patient brought in a shock like state. Follow up study has revealed 14 patients in NYHA class I and two patients are having class II symptoms. Periodic echocardiographic follow up study has not revealed any recurrence till date. It is concluded that an early diagnosis and surgery gives excellent long term results in these cases.
Mishra RC, Khanna SK, Gupta BK, Nigam M, Satsangi DK, Tempe D, Tomar AS, Abraham M, Tatke M, Malhotra V. Surgical management of cardiac myxomas. Indian Heart Journal. 1991 Sep-Oct; 43(5): 367-71