Isolation, purification and partial characterization of a haemolytic protein from Bidder's organ of toad Bufo melanostictus (Schneider).

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A haemolytic protein toxin (BO-HT) from Bidder's organ of toad, B. melanostictus, purified by DEAE-cellulose column chromatography was electrophoretically homogeneous and was glycoprotein in nature (PAS-positive). The molecular weight was estimated to be 14.4 kDa by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The sensitivity of the haemolysin of different RBC ghost cell preparation was in the order: buffalo > goat > ox > guinea pig > mice > human > chick > rabbit > rat. The haemolytic activity was increased with the decrease in RBC concentration and was produced over a wide range of temperature. Maximum haemolytic effect was produced at 2 hr of incubation. The toxin showed maximum activity at 3 and minimum at 10 pH. Divalent cations (Ca2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Mg2+) showed inhibitory effect on BO-HT induced haemolysis, whereas sucrose, EDTA, cholesterol, 2-mercaptoethanol and oxygen did not alter the haemolytic activity. Haemolytic activity was reduced by proteolytic enzymes (trypsin, protease) and was totally antagonized by the toad serum.
Gomes A, Alam MI, Auddy B, Dasgupta SC. Isolation, purification and partial characterization of a haemolytic protein from Bidder's organ of toad Bufo melanostictus (Schneider). Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 1994 Feb; 32(2): 119-23