Antiepileptic effects of cerebellar nucleus dentatus electrical stimulation under different conditions of brain epileptisation.

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It was shown in acute experiments on cats that high frequency (100-300 Hz) electrical stimulation of dentate nucleus led to the solitary epileptic foci of relatively weak intensity suppression and at the same time caused the activation of stronger focal epileptic activity. Electrical stimulation of nucleus dentatus suppressed the epileptic activity of grand mal type and increased seizures in rats with petit mal form of epileptogenesis which was formed in rats during pentylenetatiozol kindling. It was concluded that there is a relation between the antiepileptic effects of nucleus dentatus irritation and intensity as well as the form of epileptic activity induced experimentally.
Shandra AA, Godlevsky LS. Antiepileptic effects of cerebellar nucleus dentatus electrical stimulation under different conditions of brain epileptisation. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 1990 Feb; 28(2): 158-61