Abortion in guinea pigs by Chlamydia psittaci isolates from natural sheep abortion.

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Experimental model for chlamydial abortion was planned using pregnant guinea pigs to study whether the isolate of Chlamydia psittaci from natural cases of sheep abortion is able to cause experimental abortion in pregnant guinea pigs or not. Follow up and clinical observations like thermal reaction and haematological changes exhibited biphaic febrile response and marked leucopenia in both intraperitoneal group as well as intravaginal group. The laboratory examinations revealed presence of chlamydial intracytoplasmic inclusions in the impression smears of aborted foetal tissues. C. psittaci was reisolated successfully from all the aborted foetal tissues. It was observed that rate and severity of abortion were more in the intraperitoneal group as compared to intravaginal group. On correlating the results of clinical and laboratory examinations it was observed that guinea pig can be used as a suitable model for chlamydial abortion in future studies like cell mediate immune response and to see protective role of chlamydial vaccine, if any.
Poonia A, Purohit VD. Abortion in guinea pigs by Chlamydia psittaci isolates from natural sheep abortion. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 1998 Apr; 36(4): 411-3