Development of an inexpensive and rapid two site microenzyme linked immunosorbent assay kit for human alpha fetoprotein.

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Laboratory scale development of a two site micro enzyme linked immuno assay kit is described. The kit comprises rabbit anti human alphafetoprotein (AFP), anti human AFP IgG peroxidase conjugate and standard AFP. All the above reagents were prepared in the laboratory. The kit is eminently suitable for early screening of blood sample of pregnant women for neural tube defects of their fetuses and for the quantitation of AFP as a tumor marker. The assay kit was used to determine AFP in 76 sera from women at different stages of pregnancy. During 1st trimester AFP level was 18 to 119 ng/ml, during 2nd trimester the concentration varied from 85 to 302 ng/ml and during 3rd from 103 to 580 ng/ml. No evidence for maternal antibody to AFP was found. The above data agree with AFP level in pregnant women reported by earlier workers, using RIA or ELISA. The present ELISA kit would hopefully be much cheaper than internationally available ELISA kits for human AFP.
Bansal V, Kumari K, Sahib MK. Development of an inexpensive and rapid two site microenzyme linked immunosorbent assay kit for human alpha fetoprotein. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 1989 Oct; 27(10): 907-9