Assessment of testicular volume in bacilliferous leprosy: correlation with clinical parameters.

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Testicular involvement in leprosy was studied in 30 multi-bacillary (BL/LL) patients. Ten (33.3%) gave past history of type II reactions, of whom nine (30%) gave history of testicular pain and/or swelling. Decreased libido was a common complaint (63.3%). Gynaecomastia was noted in 3 patients (10%) and altered hair pattern in 11 patients (36.7%). Testicular sensation was impaired in 10 (33.3%) patients. Testicular volume was assessed objectively using the Prader orchidometer and found to be reduced in nine (30%) patients. Reduction in testicular volume correlated with longer duration of disease and a past history of type II reaction.
Abraham A, Sharma VK, Kaur S. Assessment of testicular volume in bacilliferous leprosy: correlation with clinical parameters. Indian Journal of Leprosy. 1990 Jul-Sep; 62(3): 310-5