Leprosy elimination campaigns in Orissa.

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Four Modified Leprosy Elimination Campaigns (MLECs) were conducted in Orissa by March 2003. Their impact on various leprosy indicators was analyzed. More than 70% of the people of the State were examined during these campaigns. The suspect rate decreased from 1.44% to 0.37% towards the fourth MLEC. About 15% of the suspects were clinically confirmed to be having leprosy. The total number of new cases detected during the MLEC years was on the decrease. A marked fall in new case-detection rate was observed during inter-MLEC years. This has resulted in fluctuation in the prevalence rate during the MLEC years, but the overall PR/10,000 population decreased from 12.18 in 1996-97 to 7.3 in March 2003. More than 40% of the total new cases and about 45% of total new child cases for the corresponding year were detected during the MLECs, and the proportion of total new case-detection was as high as 60.8% during the first MLEC. The proportion of female cases detected during succeeding MLECs improved and an almost equal number of female cases were detected during MLECs III and IV. Considering the present leprosy situation in Orissa and the effectiveness of MLECs in case-detection, it was recommended that such campaigns should be undertaken in select high prevalent blocks of the State at regular intervals, along with the strengthening of the integration of NLEP activities into primary health care activities.
Sahu T, NC S. Leprosy elimination campaigns in Orissa. Indian Journal of Leprosy. 2005 Jan-Mar; 77(1): 38-46