Can general practitioners carry out drug delivery and periodic examination of leprosy patients in Raipur city?

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An intervention study to improve the MDT coverage of leprosy patients by involving general practitioners (GPs) was carried out in Raipur city. Most of the GPs (84%) were willing to undertake drug delivery and periodic examination of the leprosy patients. After involving GPs, the proportion of the patients registered for treatment increased from 33% to 89.2%. The cohort regularity was 57% only which was lower than that found in the Upgraded Urban Leprosy Centre. Drug compliance as found out by the pill count was 91%. Most of the patients (87%) were happy with the services provided by the GPs.
Masih VK, Gandhi BS, Reddy BN. Can general practitioners carry out drug delivery and periodic examination of leprosy patients in Raipur city? Indian Journal of Leprosy. 1998 ; 70 Suppl(): 5S-9S