Bilateral breast abscess: a rare complication of enteric fever.

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Breast abscess is usually caused by Staphylococcus aureus in pregnant or lactating females. Salmonella spp. is occasionally associated with abscess formation in various organs, but breast abscess is a very rare complication. In enteric fever dissemination to multiple organ systems following bacteraemia can lead to localized abscess. We report a case of bilateral breast abscess due to Salmonella Typhi in an unmarried 35-year-old female without any predisposing conditions. She presented with fever and painful swelling of both the breasts. S. typhi was isolated from both breasts. Such rare cause must be suspected in females without any evident predisposing factors for effective management.
Singh S, Pandya Y, Rathod J, Trivedi S. Bilateral breast abscess: a rare complication of enteric fever. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2009 Jan-Mar; 27(1): 69-70