Effect of interchanging two composite resin system with a dentine adhesive.

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There is a tendency to interchange dentine adhesives and composite resins when using composite resins for restorations. This study used marginal contraction gaps to test the effect of changing composite resins with a dentine adhesive. Cylindrical butt-joint cavities were prepared entirely in dentine using extracted human teeth. Two groups of control cavities (30 cavities per group) were restored with Prisma-Bond/Prisma-Fil and Heliobond/Heliomolar respectively. Two groups of test cavities (30 cavities per group) were restored using the dentine adhesive. Prisma Universal Bond with Prisma-Fil on one group and Prisma Universal Bond and Heliomolar in the other. Following thermocycling the marginal contraction gaps were measured and assessed. The results showed a significant reduction in marginal contraction gaps when using either composite resin with Prisma Universal Bond. This indicates a compatibility of both resins with the adhesive in this instance.
Henderson LJ, Soh G. Effect of interchanging two composite resin system with a dentine adhesive. Indian Journal of Dental Research. 1990 Jan-Mar; 2(1): 123-6