Monoclonal antibody MAb C-50 in buccal mucosa cancer cells.

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Staining patterns of cancerous and normal tissues from 20 cases of proven buccal cancer and ten control individuals respectively to monoclonal antibody MAb C-50 were studied. Nine of 20 patients and 4 of 10 control individuals showed positive immunofluorescence respectively. There was no correlation between clinical stage of disease and MAb C-50 staining nor any significant difference between the ulcerative or exophytic growth groups. One section with T4 lesion of buccal cancer with normal salivary tissue showed positive immunofluorescence of normal salivary cells. In our study the presence of receptor for MAb C-50 on buccal mucosa cancer cells was found to be statistically insignificant.
Pokhrel DP, Verma K, Kapila K, Dhawan IK. Monoclonal antibody MAb C-50 in buccal mucosa cancer cells. Indian Journal of Cancer. 1989 Dec; 26(4): 217-21