Urodynamic profile after Wertheim's hysterectomy.

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Wertheim 's hysterectomy is likely to cause damage to innervation and anatomical support of the lower urinary tract. Urodynamic assessment was done in twenty patients of histopathologically proven cancer cervix who were about to undergo Wertheim's hysterectomy. The study was performed preoperatively, in the immediate postoperative period and six weeks after surgery. Urodynamic study included uroflowmetry, cystometry and urethral pressure profile. Urinary symptoms were also corelated with the urodynamic profile. It was concluded that the bladder was hypertonic in the immediate postoperative period and urethral closure pressures were low. Some regeneration of damaged nerve fibres was found to occur during the 6-8 weeks after surgery resulting in some improvement in sensory and motor functions of the bladder Post operatively continuous catheter drainage appeared to be the most important part of management of hypertonic bladder and the duration was individualised on the basis of urodynamic investigations.
Gulati N, Kumar VJ, Barsaul M, Yadav SP. Urodynamic profile after Wertheim's hysterectomy. Indian Journal of Cancer. 2001 Jun-Dec; 38(2-4): 96-102