Speech evaluation after near total laryngectomy and total laryngectomy--a comparative acoustic analysis.

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The practice of Pearson's (1981) technique of near total laryngectomy with speech shunt is evaluated acoustically in 11 subjects using matched esophageal speakers. Not only do these patients vocalize earlier with effortless cease, analysis of their speech both subjectively & by acoustic analysis of the parameters seems definitely to be of superior quality. The functional utility of this technique is addressed in this study justifying its more frequent practice in unilateral lesions of larynx and hypopharynx which defy satisfactory control by conventional conservation laryngeal surgery or radiation therapy. The Oncological outcome will be taken up as a part of a future report when follow up of adequate duration occurs in sufficient number of cases.
Premalatha BS, Shenoy AM, Anantha N. Speech evaluation after near total laryngectomy and total laryngectomy--a comparative acoustic analysis. Indian Journal of Cancer. 1994 Dec; 31(4): 244-9