Delay in specialist consultation in cancer patients.

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A psychiatric evaluation of 75 cases of different types of cancer revealed significant psychological morbidity in 81% of cases. The time lag, if any, between primary diagnosis and presentation to oncologists was noted and the reasons for the delay were ascertained. 62% of patients (N = 47) delayed three months or more and this group also showed significantly greater (p < 0.05) psychological morbidity compared to those who delayed less than three months (N = 28). 89% of patients used denial as a mental defence mechanism and there was no significant difference in the degree of denial displayed by both groups. Psychological reasons such as denial of the illness, fear of cancer, fear of its treatment, and domestic difficulty were commonly cited as causes of delay. It is hoped that addressing these issues will reduce delay and help early detection in cancer programmes.
Chakravorty SG, Chakravorty SS, Patel RR, DeSouza CJ, Doongaji DR. Delay in specialist consultation in cancer patients. Indian Journal of Cancer. 1993 Jun; 30(2): 61-6