Solid and cystic tumor arising from an extrapancreatic site--a case report.

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A case of solid and cystic tumor arising in the lesser Omentum of a 53 year old woman is presented. A well defined, encapsulated tumor measuring 7.5 x 6.5 x 6 cms, weight 170 grams was histologically characterized by a combination of solid and pseudo papillary growth patterns of tumor cells with pale to eosinophilic cytoplasm. No pancreatic tissue was seen with or adjacent to the tumor. The patient was well with out recurrence 7 months after the diagnosis. It is important to include pseudo papillary solid cystic tumor in the differential diagnosis of omental tumors. The tumor is presented because of its rarity.
Nepal Medical College Journal.
Basu A, Jha A. Solid and cystic tumor arising from an extrapancreatic site--a case report. Nepal Medical College Journal. 2003 Dec; 5(2): 107-8