Influence of radish consumption on urinary calcium oxalate excretion.

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The study was undertaken to observe the effect of radish on urinary calcium oxalate excretion. Early morning midstream urine (MSU) samples collected from 36 subjects were analyzed continuously for a period of 14 days for the presence of calcium oxalate crystals. Of these, 21 cases were of renal stone and 15 were normal subjects. The subjects were advised to consume self-selected diet for a week and radish containing diet along with their self-selected diet for consecutive week. The study reveals that radish containing diet caused increased excretion of calcium oxalate compared to the self-selected diet and the crystals count in the urine were significantly higher in both genders. The difference between males and females was found to be insignificant indicating that there is no gender biasness on urinary calcium oxalate excretion. This study is first of its kind as literature search reveals no such study have been carried out earlier.
Nepal Medical College Journal.
Kumar A. Influence of radish consumption on urinary calcium oxalate excretion. Nepal Medical College Journal. 2004 Jun; 6(1): 41-4