Resistance VS aerobic exercise--is the later a better choice?

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Pulse pressures of two groups of young (18-35 yrs) normotensive non smoker men were compared. One group used to do regular resistance exercise in gymnasium & anther group used to practice aerobic exercise (playing football basketball etc.) regularly. Duration of exercise for both the group was same. Higher pulse pressure was noted in the group taking strength training than that of the persons taking aerobic exercise. Higher pulse pressure is an indication of endothelial dysfunction and arterial stiffness. It promotes vascular damage and atherosclerosis. It seems that, practice of regular aerobic exercise is preferable for maintaining physical fitness, normal blood pressure and endothelial health.
Nepal Medical College Journal.
Pramanik T, Adhikari P. Resistance VS aerobic exercise--is the later a better choice? Nepal Medical College Journal. 2006 Mar; 8(1): 59-60