Recent advances in the management of epilepsy: a review.

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Epilepsy is a complex disorder affecting brain function having a variety of contributing factors. The genetic predisposition plays a key role in the genesis of epilepsy. The already existing antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) provide effective control of majority of patents with different types of seizures. In some refractory cases and in those patients who can not tolerate the conventional AEDs, there is an urgent need to provide relief by controlling the seizures adequately. Various newer approaches in the rational management of seizures have been evolved during the recent years, based on different mechanisms of action and side effects profile. A brief account of these newer treatment modalities have been incorporated in this review in order to enlighten the readers about the possible beneficial effect of this regimen vis a vis the limitations of such use.
Kathmandu University Medical Journal. 16 references.
Bhattacharya SK, Rauniar GP, Das BP. Recent advances in the management of epilepsy: a review. Kathmandu University Medical Journal. 2005 Oct-Dec; 3(4): 431-7