Trend of blood group distribution among the Jirels of Nepal.

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This study was undertaken to find out the trend of blood group distribution among the Jirels, a small tribe, descended from Kirat tribe and to compare with other castes within Nepal and with people of other continents. Blood group distribution (ABO grouping and Rh typing) was studied among 2093 Jirels (Male-1057 and Female-1036). The frequency of distribution of A, B, O and AB was 55.05%, 14.72%, 21.64% and 8.6% respectively. The group A was found to be most common among the Jirels where as O is most common in the world. Only 0.14%of the Jirels were was found to be Rhesus Negative (Rh -ve).
Chapagain RH, Subba B, Kunwar CB, Subedi J, Blengero J, Williams S, Towne B. Trend of blood group distribution among the Jirels of Nepal. Journal of the Nepal Medical Association. 2005 Oct-Dec; 44(160): 121-3