Work related complaints among dentists.

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The objective of this study was to describe the occurrence of neck pain, shoulder pain and back pain among dentists and to assess the risk factors affecting them. Sixty-eight dentists from Dharan and Biratnagar were interviewed using pretested questionnaires in January 2006. Back pain was the most common complaint affecting almost 80% of the study population, followed by neck pain (58.8%) and shoulder pain (47%). The frequency of shoulder pain among female dentists was nearly double that of males (P=0.009). The mean days of neck pain among males was significantly higher as compared to females (P=0.048). The study suggests that musculoskeletal complaints are common among dentists, though they are not of severe nature. There is a scope for further decreasing the prevalence and severity of these disorders by performing regular specific exercises.
Shrestha BP, Singh GK, Niraula SR. Work related complaints among dentists. Journal of the Nepal Medical Association. 2008 Apr-Jun; 47(170): 77-81