Genotype-phenotype correlation analysis in retinoblastoma patients from India.

BACKGROUND: Genetic analysis has a beneficial impact on retinoblastoma management enabling definite risk assessment. However, information regarding genotype-phenotype correlation in retinoblastoma is limited. AIM: To analyze the retinoblastoma susceptibility gene for mutations in retinoblastoma patients and correlate the genotypes the phenotypes. METHODOLOGY: Eleven retinoblastoma patients, who underwent molecular genetic studies were classified into high, moderate or low disease severity groups based on phenotype. RESULTS: Seven patients had high disease severity and four moderate disease severity. Eleven truncating mutations were detected; six were in the N-terminus region of the retinoblastoma protein and two in the A/B pocket (p=0.03). CONCLUSIONS: No significant association between mutation type and disease severity could be established in the present study. However a positive correlation between location of the mutations in certain domains of the retinoblastoma protein and disease severity was observed. To the best of our knowledge this is the first genotype-phenotype correlation study in retinoblastoma patients from India.
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention.
Joseph B, Raman R, Uthra S, Jagadeesan M, Ganesh A, Paul PG, Sharma T, Kumaramanickavel G. Genotype-phenotype correlation analysis in retinoblastoma patients from India. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2006 Oct-Dec; 7(4): 619-22