Intraoperative frozen sections for assessment of female cancers.

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Frozen sections offer an important and helpful adjunct to intraoperative diagnosis and its use has greatly impacted on the care of gynecological oncology patients. Frozen section diagnosis is a reliable method for surgical management of gynecology oncology patients. Sensitivity of frozen section is acceptable and its specificity is almost perfect. False negative rate is low and false positive rate is negligible. Diagnostic problems can occur due to technical limitations especially in mucinous and borderline tumors. A good communication established between clinicians and pathologists is necessary to obtain more accurate results and to minimize the number of deferred cases.
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 49 references.
Ghaemmaghami F, Behnamfar F, Ensani F. Intraoperative frozen sections for assessment of female cancers. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2007 Oct-Dec; 8(4): 635-9