Recent advances in diagnostic techniques in filariasis.

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Accurate diagnosis of human filarial infections still remains a problem for clinicians and co-ordinators of filariasis control programs. Diagnosis of filariasis is based on parasitological, histopathological, clinical and immunological approaches. No significant advances have been made for the first three approaches although some refinements in their use and interpretation of results have occurred. For the immunological approach, intradermal tests and antibody detection assays using crude parasite extracts generally lack specificity and/or sensitivity to discriminate between past and present filarial infections in humans. Antigen detection assays would therefore provide a more accurate indication of active filarial infections. Several monoclonal antibodies to various stages of lymphatic filarial parasites have been developed and appear potentially useful for filarial antigen detection.
The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 46 references.
Lim PK. Recent advances in diagnostic techniques in filariasis. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 1993 ; 24 Suppl 2(): 45-50