The effect of dengue virus infection on the clinical sequelae of Japanese encephalitis: a one year follow-up study in Thailand.

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In order to determine if prior dengue virus infection reduces the severity of Japanese encephalitis (JE), we examined 127 patients hospitalized during the 1970 JE epidemic in the Chiangmai and Lampang Valleys of northern Thailand. Patients were studied during the first 30 days after onset of JE; 120 of these patients were examined one year later for residual neurologic sequelae. About 21% of patients had serological evidence of a prior dengue virus infection. Morbidity and mortality in patients with and without prior dengue virus experience were compared. These comparisons were made within two age groups to exclude differences due to age alone;
The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.
Edelman R, Schneider RJ, Chieowanich P, Pornpibul R, Voodhikul P. The effect of dengue virus infection on the clinical sequelae of Japanese encephalitis: a one year follow-up study in Thailand. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 1975 Sep; 6(3): 308-15