Molecular analysis of Hb Q-H disease and Hb Q-Hb E in a Singaporean family.

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Hb Q (alpha 74Asp-His) results from a mutation in the alpha-gene such that abnormal alpha Q-chains are synthesized. The alpha Q-chains combine with the normal Beta A-chains to form abnormal Hb alpha 2Q beta 2A (Hb Q). Hb Q-H disease is rare, and has been reported only in the Chinese. We report here a Chinese family, were the mother diagnosed with Hb Q-H disease and the father with Hb E heterozygosity and a child with Hb Q-E-thalassemia. Thalassemia screening of the mother's blood revealed a Hb level of 6.8g/dl with low MCV and MCH. Her blood film was indicative of thalassemia. Cellulose acetate electrophoresis showed Hb H and Hb Q with the absence of Hb A. Globin chain biosynthesis was carried out and alpha Q- and beta-chains were detected. Normal alpha- chains were absent. Digestion of the mother's DNA with Bam HI and Bgl II followed by hybridization with the 1.5 kb alpha-Pst probe showed a two alpha-gene deletion on one chromosome and the -alpha Q chain mutant with the -alpha 4.2 defect on the other chromosome. DNA amplification studies indicated the two-gene deletion to be of the -SEA/ defect. The patient was concluded to possess Hb Q-H disease (--SEA/-alpha 4.2Q). Cellulose acetate electrophoresis of the father's blood showed the presence of Hb A, F and E. Molecular analysis of the father's DNA confirmed an intact set of alpha-genes (alpha alpha/alpha alpha). Globin chain biosynthesis of fetal blood of their child showed gamma, beta A, beta E, alpha A and alpha Q-chains. Molecular analysis of the child's DNA showed one alpha-gene deletion, thus giving a genotype of alpha alpha/-alpha 4.2Q beta beta E.
The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.
Tan J, Tay JS, Wong YC, Kham SK, Bte Abd Aziz N, Teo SH, Wong HB. Molecular analysis of Hb Q-H disease and Hb Q-Hb E in a Singaporean family. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 1995 ; 26 Suppl 1(): 252-6