Poliomyelitis and measles serosurvey in northern Malaysia.

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In 1990 the Institute for Medical Research carried out a serosurvey in the state of Kelantan to study the age stratified immune prevalence rates for measles and poliomyelitis. Our findings indicate that 981 out of 1,097 (89%) of the population screened had measles antibodies and more than 90% (366 out of 400) had antibodies to all three serotypes of poliovirus. The susceptible group for measles was infants below one year of age, of whom 53.3% (8/15) did not have measles antibody. Of 400 subjects, 125 (31.3%) who were either incompletely vaccinated or had not been vaccinated against poliomyelitis, had polio neutralizing antibodies to all three poliovirus serotypes, suggesting herd immunity in the population. No high risk age group could be identified for poliomyelitis.
The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.
Saraswathy TS, Sinniah M, Lee WS, Lye MS, Choo KE, Jusoh H. Poliomyelitis and measles serosurvey in northern Malaysia. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 1994 Sep; 25(3): 565-8