Clinical trial of intramuscular anti-snake venom administration as a first aid measure in the field in the management of Russell's viper bite patients.

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Efficacy of intramuscular anti-snake venom administration immediately after bite as a first aid measure in the field followed by standard hospital management versus standard hospital management alone in the therapy of Russell's viper bite patients was studied. There was a definite reduction in the number of patients with systemic envenomation, complications following disseminated intravascular coagulation and in fatality rate of Russell's viper bite victims who had received first aid intramuscular anti-snake venom prior to hospitalization when compared with those who had not.
The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.
Win-Aung , Tin-Tun , Khin-Maung-Maung , Aye-Kyaw , Hla-Pe , Tin-Nu-Swe , Saw-Naing . Clinical trial of intramuscular anti-snake venom administration as a first aid measure in the field in the management of Russell's viper bite patients. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 1996 Sep; 27(3): 494-7