Scanning electron microscopy of the penetration of newborn mouse skin by Strongyloides ratti and Ancylostoma caninum larvae.

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The scanning electron microscopical appearances of infective larvae of Strongyloides ratti and Ancylostoma caninum have been described. Particularly noteworthy was the tail of S. ratti which was found to have a distal aperture surrounded by a row of eight projections. The penetration of larvae through newborn mouse skin was investigated. S. ratti larvae forced its way rapidly and directly through the stratum corneum. No larvae of A. caninum were observed in stages of partial penetration but the occasional empty sheath was seen.
The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.
Zaman V, Dawkins HJ, Grove DI. Scanning electron microscopy of the penetration of newborn mouse skin by Strongyloides ratti and Ancylostoma caninum larvae. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 1980 Jun; 11(2): 212-9