Molecular basis of alpha (0)-thalassemia in northeast of Thailand.

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The molecular basis of alpha(0) thalassemia were studied in 95 patients who attended at Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen University during September 1993-January 1994. From these 95 patients, hemoglobin electrophoresis indicated that there were 14 cases with A2AH, 21 cases with A2ABart'sH, 6 cases with ConSpA2AH, 31 cases with ConSpA2ABart'sH, 6 cases with EABart's, 3 case with EFBart's, 4 cases with ConSpEABart's, 5 cases with Portland Bart's and 5 cases with A2A. White blood cell lysate was prepared from peripheral blood leukocytes of these patients and was subjected to the polymerase chain reactions for detection of the SEA type alpha thalassemia gene deletion. Altogether 100 chromosomes with the SEA deletion were detected from all patients examined, the result indicated that this type of alpha(0) thalassemia gene deletion is the most common among these Thai population. These data will be useful for a carrier screening and a prenatal diagnosis program of homozygous alpha (0) thalassemia which is a lethal condition in northeast of Thailand.
The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.
Fucharoen G, Fucharoen S, Wanhakit C, Srithong W. Molecular basis of alpha (0)-thalassemia in northeast of Thailand. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 1995 ; 26 Suppl 1(): 249-51