Brain pathology in 6 fatal cases of post-transfusion hypertension, convulsion and cerebral hemorrhage syndrome.

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Six fatal cases of post-transfusion hypertension, convulsions and cerebral hemorrhage syndrome were found in a series of 76 autopsies of thalassemic patients. Five of these cases were hypertensive. At autopsy the brains were all markedly edematous and congested. Visible cerebral hemorrhages were found in 3 patients. Microscopically all cases showed small focal or perivascular hemorrhages and 1 patient had extensive arterial type hemorrhage. Microdissecting aneurysms characteristic of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage were found in two. No underlying vascular disease was found in these 6 patients. A correlation was attempted between possible causes of post-transfusion hypertension and convulsions and anatomical findings.
The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 5 references.
Sonakul D, Fucharoen S. Brain pathology in 6 fatal cases of post-transfusion hypertension, convulsion and cerebral hemorrhage syndrome. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 1992 ; 23 Suppl 2(): 116-9