Comparative study of different doses of mebendazole in hookworm infection.

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Sixty six children (40 males, 26 females) aged from 4 to 14 years with hookworm infection were treated with mebendazole. Thirty one and 35 children were treated with mebendazole 300 mg single dose and 600 mg conventional regimen respectively. Stool examination by Kato-Katz technique were done for 3 consecutive days before treatment and on day 14-16, 21-23 after treatment. The cure rate with 300 mg mebendazole was 16.1% with 90.9% egg reduction while 600 mg mebendazole gave 91.4% cure rate with 99.5% egg reduction. No side effects were observed in all children. Four hundred and six adult worms were identified, 99% were Necator Americanus, 0.5% Ancylostoma duodenale and 0.5% Ancylostoma ceylanicum.
The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.
Nontasut P, Singhasivanon V, Maipanich W, Yamput S, Visiassuk K. Comparative study of different doses of mebendazole in hookworm infection. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 1987 Jun; 18(2): 211-4