Cysticercosis/taeniasis: recent advances in serological and molecular diagnoses.

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Serodiagnosis by immunoblot, using recombinant chimeric T. solium antigen and native glycoprotein antigens, has been applied for neurocysticercosis cases. Specific antibodies against both antigens were detected in serum samples from NCC patients involving multiple cysts in the brain, whereas it was not always easy to detect specific antibodies in NCC cases with a solitary cyst or calcified lesion(s). On the other hand, the diagnosis for human taeniasis or worm carriers has been routinely performed by stool examination. In this study, multiplex PCR has been established to differentiate taeniasis using Taenia mitochondrial DNA in fecal samples from worm carriers. Furthermore, the molecular identification of human taeniid cestodes by base excision sequence scanning thymine-base analysis has also been introduced. This method provides four thymine-base peak profiles unique for Asian and American/African genotypes of T. solium, T. saginata and T. asiatica. By comparing thymine base peak profiles, it is possible to differentiate human taeniid cestodes without DNA sequencing. The approaches are powerful tools for the routine diagnosis of taeniasis and the molecular identification of taeniid cestodes.
The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 21 references.
Yamasaki H, Sato MO, Sako Y, Nakao M, Nakaya K, Mamuti W, Craig PS, Margono SS, Ito A. Cysticercosis/taeniasis: recent advances in serological and molecular diagnoses. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2003 ; 34 Suppl 2(): 98-102