A survey of bovine, bubaline and swine sarcocystosis in the Philippines.

In a survey conducted from January to December, 1994, muscle tissues in 12 out of 22 slaughtered carabaos ages 8-17 years old and obtained from the Food Terminal Inc, Abbatoir in Laguna showed numerous white and creamy elliptic-shaped soft bodied macrocysts in the throat muscles. Microscopic examination of the throat and cardiac muscle tissues revealed the presence of fusiform-shaped microcysts. Our observations are consistent with previous reports incriminating Sarcocystis fusiformis as the most important etiologic agent of bubaline sarcocystosis in the country. In a survey of bovine sarcocystosis in muscle tissues of imported Australian cattle (Brahman Breed) and native cattle obtained from various slaughter houses in Manila and suburbs, prevalence rates of 17% (98/577) and 3% (1/31) were noted, respectively. Sarcocysts were predominant in skeletal muscles and to a lesser extent in cardiac, esophageal and diaphragm muscle tissues. Light microscopic examination of sarcocysts morphology suggests Sarcocystis cruzi (= Sarcocystis bovis), and Sarcocystis hominis (= Sarcocystis bovihominis) or Sarcocystis hirsuta (= Sarcocystis bovifelis) as the likely etiologic agents of bovine sarcocystosis in the country. Of the 225 swines examined, only muscle tissues from a 6-month old swine revealed very young sarcocysts (= metrocytes). A review of available documented studies on sarcocystosis suggests that to date, our findings may represent the first data on the prevalence of bovine and swine sarcocystosis in the Philippines.
The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.
Claveria FG, Petersen B, Macabagdal MR, Farolan RJ, Farrol MA, Gonzalvo F, Cadiz R, Ajero R, Roque R, Lozano G. A survey of bovine, bubaline and swine sarcocystosis in the Philippines. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 1997 ; 28 Suppl 1(): 173-8