Transplacental passage of Plasmodium falciparum and seroevaluation of newborns in northern Nigeria.

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The findings of a prospective study of 656 near-term pregnant; women, and of the cord and peripheral blood of newborns of positive mothers are reported. 292 (44.51%) of the pregnant women were infected with Plasmodium falciparum. Further microscopic screening of the cord blood of newborns of the 292 positive cases at delivery showed a parasite rate of 10.95%. Transplacental passage of P. falciparum was confirmed by detection of parasitemia in the peripheral blood of 2.82% of newborns within 7 days of birth. Serological investigation of sera of 284 newborns by indirect fluorescent technic (IFA) with P. falciparum IgM specific conjugate indicated that 72 (24.66%) had IgM antibodies of P. falciparum in their blood. The average birthweight of seropositive newborns was 400 g less than seronegative ones. There was no significant difference in the rate of neonatal infection regardless of whether or not the mothers had taken chloroquine prophylaxis.
The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.
Egwunyenga OA, Ajayi JA, Duhlinska-Popova DD. Transplacental passage of Plasmodium falciparum and seroevaluation of newborns in northern Nigeria. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 1997 Dec; 28(4): 741-5