Study on the prevalence of toxoplasmosis in Indonesia: a review.

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Congenital toxoplasmosis has been confirmed in Indonesia. Many newborn children in Indonesia have congenital anomalies attributable to Toxoplasma gondii. The parasite is widespread, with seroprevalence rates of 2-63% in humans, 35-73% in cats, 75% in dogs, 11-36% in pigs, 11-61% in goats, and less than 10% in cows. The prevalence of Toxoplasma antibodies in pregnant women in the Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in Jakarta is 14.3%, and in 50 abortions it is 67.8%. In patients with a history of one or more abortions or stillbirths, the prevalence is 21.5% and 22.8%, respectively. No significant difference has been found in women with or without histories of habitual abortions or stillbirths. In adults and children with chorioretinitis, the prevalence of antibody is 60%; in patients with other eye lesions, it is 17%. The prevalence in hydrocephalic children is 10.6%; in children with mental retardation, 44.6%; in children with eye lesions, 44.6%; and in children with signs of systemic diseases, 9.5%. The diagnosis of an acute Toxoplasma infection using the ELISA should be based on a significant increase in IgG levels in paired sera or on detection of IgM.
The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 40 references.
Gandahusada S. Study on the prevalence of toxoplasmosis in Indonesia: a review. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 1991 Dec; 22 Suppl(): 93-8