A survey on intestinal parasitic infections in Laotian refugees at Ubon Province, Northeastern Thailand, with special reference to schistosomiasis.

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454 stool specimens were collected from the Laotian refugees residing in the refugee camp, Ubon Province, from August 8 to 11, 1978, and were examined by formalin ether sedimentation technique. One of them (0.22%) was infected with Schistosoma mekongi. Since there are freshwater hydrobiid snails, Lithoglyphopsis aperta, the intermediate host of S. mekongi in that area, it is probable that the disease may become established in Northeastern Thailand in the future, which will eventually lead to health and economic problems in Thailand.
The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.
Temcharoen P, Viboolyavatana J, Tongkoom B, Sumethanurugkul P, Keittivuti B, Wanaratana L. A survey on intestinal parasitic infections in Laotian refugees at Ubon Province, Northeastern Thailand, with special reference to schistosomiasis. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 1979 Dec; 10(4): 552-5